Terms and Conditions
LM Academy is committed to offering equality of access to its services to all families with respect to religion, race, culture and gender. In line with its Equal Opportunities policy, LM Academy will endeavour to the best of its ability, to cater for any special needs or disabilities. LM Academy has a range of policies and procedures to cover areas such as accidents and sickness, health and safety and behaviour management.
LM Academy staff will supervise children until they are collected by their parents or named representatives.
Club/Camp Booking Policy
- A registration form must be completed online by all parents/guardians before a place can be allocated.
- Before booking please ensure your child is available to attend the Club/Camp and meets the conditions for participation in the Club/Camp, as listed on our website.
- If you are booked a one-off school club (weekly booking ONLY) your child needs to be registered before 12:00 on the day of the club).
- If the number of children booked onto the club is below our minimum requirement (10 children), LM Academy reserve the right to cancel the club.
- Children can only attend LM Academy School Sports Clubs if they attend the school where the club is taking place. This does NOT apply for our half term camps.
- To ensure your child’s safety, please make sure we are informed of any changes in circumstances.
- Credit will be given against the absence of any child if at least 5 days advance notice has been given.
- Credits for unplanned absences, including sudden sickness of the child, can only be given in exceptional circumstances (at the discretion of LM Academy).
- For children that are collected later than their agreed booking time, a flat rate of £10 per 30 minutes will be charged.
- LM Academy will not allow a child to be collected by anyone other than those adults nominated on the registration form, without written or phone (password) permission from that child’s parent/guardian.
- Upon collection, the parent/guardian must ‘sign out’ using the password created when the booking was made.
- It is made clear that LM Academy CANNOT accept responsibility for a child’s possessions or valuables whilst they are attending an event.
- LM Academy reserves the right to exclude a child if he or she consistently misbehaves or if any of our anti-social behaviour terms and conditions are breached. Please see the behavioural policy for more details.
- Sickness, accidents, first aid and emergencies: If a child becomes ill during a session every effort will be made to contact one of the people listed on the registration form to arrange collection of the child. The child will be cared for until collected and any first aid administered. In the event of a serious accident, every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian and in the event of an emergency, an ambulance will be called.
- LM Academy reserves the right to refuse the care of a child in the event the parent of this child is abusive, rude, threatening, and aggressive or demonstrates anti-social behaviour to an employee, another parent or child.
- Any accident or incident and resulting action will be recorded on an accident/ incident form or notified by email or written message directly to the parent.
Visitor at Camps Policy
- We operate a no-visitor-allowed policy at the camps.
Safeguarding Policy
- Please see the terms and conditions section on www.lmacademy.org.uk for an updated safeguarding policy.
Health and Safety
- A full risk assessment will be carried out by us in respect of each Activity.
- All Staff involved in the provision of the Activity hold at least a current Emergency Aid Certificate issued by an appropriate body.
- By agreeing to these terms of use, you provide consent for us to administer all necessary first aid to your child as required at any time.
- We may from time to time take photographs/videos of the Club/Camp for promotional and publicity purposes.
- You will be given the opportunity as part of the booking process to consent to the taking of such photographs/films of your child. No photograph/video including your child will be published without your express consent.
Camp is unable to Operate Policy
- The camp will endeavour to operate at all times by ensuring staff back up at short notice.
- However, in unforeseen circumstances, it may be in the best interest of the child’s safety that the camp does not operate.
- However, in the event that the camp cannot operate at short notice, the Coordinator will inform Senior Management and together they will contact parents and advise them of the situation.
- Fees will be credited or refunded if the camp cannot operate as planned.
Behaviour Policy
- LM Academy does not conform to any disruptive, dangerous or anti-social behaviour of any kind. This includes but is not limited to bullying, sexism, swearing or violence towards any other child or towards any of our LMA Staff.
- LM Academy believes in creating an environment where Staff consistently manage and encourage positive behaviour.
- We believe that children need to learn to consider the view and feelings, needs and rights, of others and the impact that their behaviour has on people, places and objects. The club will strive to achieve this by encouraging, teaching and modelling correct behaviour and creating a positive environment with clear boundaries and expectations
- In the event of such behaviour – the following procedures will be followed with all details recorded in our incidents log once the ‘behaviour card 1’ level is reached.
- Staff will try to determine the cause or triggers of the inappropriate behaviour to prevent the situation from recurring.
- Challenging behaviour will be addressed in a calm, firm and positive manner.
- In the first instance, the child will be temporarily removed from the activity.
- Staff will discuss why the behaviour displayed is deemed inappropriate.
- Staff will give the child an opportunity to explain their behaviour, to help prevent a recurrence.
- Staff will encourage and facilitate mediation between children to try to resolve conflicts through discussion and negotiation.
- If the inappropriate behaviour appears to be a result of boredom, staff will consult with the child to find activities that more fully engage them.
- ‘Behaviour card 1’ will be issued in the repeat of anti-social behaviour – a warning to the child and informed to parents. A behaviour notice form will be completed – a written explanation discussed with the parent/carer upon collection or emailed directly to the parent.
- 2nd Behaviour notice – LM Academy have the right to refuse care of the child until such times as behaviour expectations can be met – a period of 1 holiday period initially suggested e.g. If the offence is during a half term the child cannot attend till the next holiday period.
- Please note: If a child is considered to be involving themselves in any of the previously mentioned behaviour then LM Academy Staff reserves the right to refuse their participation in the rest of the day’s activities and also their involvement in any future camps once all procedures have been explored.
No smoking, alcohol or drugs Policy
- We comply with health and safety regulations and the Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage in making sure that LM Academy is a no-smoking, alcohol or drugs-free environment- both indoors and outdoors Policy Procedure.
- All staff, parents and volunteers are made aware of our no smoking, alcohol or drugs policy. Staff who smoke do not do so during working hours or on the school premises. If a member of staff is found to be breaking these rules disciplinary action will be taken.
- If a member of staff or volunteer arrives at the venue under the influence of alcohol or drugs they will be immediately asked to leave the premises and disciplinary action will be taken. In the event that a Parent or carer arrives at the venue and is deemed to be intoxicated with either drugs or alcohol, we will refuse collection of the child. The decision will then be made by the Coordinator to telephone the emergency contact number and make arrangements for the child to be collected by them; the duty Social Worker will also be informed.
- If the parent/carer becomes abusive or makes a nuisance of themselves, the police will be called.
- LM Academy has a duty to Safeguard the welfare of the child therefore, no hesitation will be made when calling the police. If a child is found to be in possession of alcohol it will immediately be removed from them and their parent/ carer will be informed.
- Alternatively, if a child is found to have drugs then they will be immediately removed and the parent/ carer along with the police will be informed.